Historic Trial Transcripts
Ransom note 3

Mr. Pope: Will you give us the number, Mr. Wilentz?
Mr. Wilentz: The last one or the new one?
Mr. Fisher: The last one, the envelope.
The Reporter: Exhibit S-45.
(Envelope referred to was received in evidence and marked State Exhibit S-45.)
Mr. Wilentz: May I read these, please, if your Honor please?
The Court: Yes.
Mr. Wilentz (Reading to the jury): This envelope is addressed to Dr. John F. Condon, 2974 Decatur Avenue, New York. That is Exhibit S-42, one note. “Dear Sir: If you are willing to act as go-between in Lindbergh case, follow strictly instructions. Handle enclosed letter personally to Mr. Lindbergh. It will explain everything. Don’t tell anyone about it. As soon we find out the press or police is notified, everyding are cansell—c-a-n-s-e-l-l, and it will be a further delay.
“After you gets the money from Mr. Lindbergh put them words in the New York American: money is ready. After that we will give you further instructions. Don’t be afrait. We are not out for your thousand dollar (dollar sign after the thousand). Keep it only act strictly. Be at home every night between 6-12. By this time you will hear from us.”
Together with that Exhibit S-43—you notice this exhibit has no symbol on it—inside the envelope S45 “Mr. Colonel Lindbergh Hopewell”: “Dear Sir: Mr. Condon may act as go-between. You may give him the seventy thousand $. Make one packet. The size will be about (here you will see the drawing of the size) 6 by 7 by 14 (the dimensions you see there). We have notifiet you already in what kind of bills. We warn you not use any trap in any way. If you or someone else will notify the police tere will be a further delay. After we have the money in hand we will tell you where to find your boy. You may have a air plane ready (redy). It is about 150 miles away, but before telling you the adr. a delay of 8 hours will be between.” Then the circles with the three holes and the red center.