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Lindbergh Kidnapping, Hauptmann Trial Transcript, Lindbergh Kidnapping Evidence, Lindbergh Kidnapping Photos, Lindbergh Trial, Hauptmann Trial, Famous Trials, Charles Lindbergh Flight, Charles Lindbergh Biography

We are interested to send him back in gut”—g-u-t—“Ouer”—o-u-e-r—“ransome was made up for 50,000”—with the dollar mark afterwards—

“But now we have to take another person to it and probable have to keep the baby for a longer time as we expected.”

I want you to watch that point.

“So the amount will be 70,000”—with a dollar mark after it—“20,000 in 50$ bills, 25,000 in 20$ bills, 15,000 in 10$ bills, and 10,000$ in 5$ bills. Don’t mark any bills or take them from one serial number. We will inform you later were”—w-e-r-e—“to deliver the money.” They—h-t-e—the money—m-o-n-y—“But we will note”—n-o-t-e—“do so until the police is out of this case and the pappers—” p-a-pp-e-r-s—“are quiet. The kidnapping was prepared for weeks so we are prepared for everything.”

Mr. Wilentz: May we then at this time adjourn until tomorrow morning?

The Court: The Court will take a recess, but I will ask everybody to remain quiet, standing or sitting where they are until the jury has retired. The jury may now retire. Has the jury retired?

Court Crier Hann: The jury has gone out

The Court: The prisoner is remanded in the custody of the Sheriff. He may retire.

(Whereupon at 4:13 p. m., the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning, January 4th, 1935, at 10:00 a. m.)

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