Historic Trial Transcripts
Ransom note 6 front

Q. Now S-54, as I understand it, says: “I accept. Money is ready. You know they won’t let me deliver without getting the package. Let’s make it some sort of c.o.d. transaction. Come. You know you can trust Jafsie.”
A. Right.
Q. That is the ad?
A. That is right.
Q. Now following that, did you then receive another letter or note?
A. I did.
Q. Will you take a look, please, at the envelope and at the paper—
A. Yes, sir.
Q. —being S-32 for Identification and S-33 for Identification and tell me whether or not this followed in the next order?
A. (After examining papers) Yes, sir, that is a letter which I received by mail at my home.
Q. After you received the sleeping suit?
A. After I received the sleeping suit and after the advertisement was placed in the paper.
Mr. Reilly: (After examining papers referred to by the witness.) All right.
Mr. Wilentz: I offer them in evidence; the envelope, marked S-32 for Identification, I now offer in evidence.
The Court: If there is no objection, they will be received.
The Reporter: S-55.
Mr. Wilentz: And the note?
The Reporter: S-56.
(Envelope and note referred to received in evidence and marked State Exhibits S-55 and S-56.)
Mr. Wilentz: On envelope S-55 is an envelope, as you can see, postmarked New York, N. Y., March 19, 7:30 p. m., to Mr. John Condon, and so forth. And S-56 reads as follows:
Dear Sir:
“You and Mr. Lindbergh know our program” our, o-u-e-r. “If you don’t accept, den” d-e-n “we will wait until you agree with our deal. We know you have to come to us anyway, but why should Mr. and Mrs. Lindbergh suffer longer as necessary. We will not” n-o-t-e “communicate with you or Mr. Lindbergh until you will—so in the paper—until you will write in the paper, write so in the paper. We will tell you again. This kidnapping case was” w-h-a-s “prepared for a year already. So the police won’t have any luck” l-o-o-k “to find us or the child. You only push everyding furder out. Did you send that little package to Mr. Lindbergh? It contains the sleeping suit from the baby. The baby is well.”